Monday 14 March 2016

Scandinavian style in your house or idea for handmade bookshelf with fruit box.

Apples crazy time is already finished. I don't have apples anymore but I have fruit boxes!  So I had to do something with these boxes. They are just perfect for making bookshelf in scandinavian style.I have always dreamed of it and now I finally have it! Isn't it just wonderful? Now you can also have your own handmade bookshelf with fruit boxes.
Do you have maybe any fruit boxes? If so, it is perfect let’s do it! But if you don’t have, no worries, you can get it from nearest fruit shop. Tutorial below.

Supplies you’ll need:
  • Fruit boxes (i have 4)
  • Sandpaper for wood
  • Cordless screwdriver
  • Wood screws 12
  • White acrylic paint
  • Brushes
Step 1:
First you have to prepare boxes. Take sandpaper and cut the part that you need. You can use special holder for sandpaper but it is not necessary.

Using sandpaper smooth the surface of boxes from each side like so:

Step 2:
Now it is time for connect boxes using wood screws and cordless screwdriver. Take 2 boxes and place one box on the second. Take screws and screw them to connect boxes. You need 2 screws on each side of box (see photo). Now place next box and again connect with screws. Do exactly the same with all boxes.

This is how now look a bookshelf:

Step 3:
Now it is time for painting. Paint whole bookshelf with white paint. The paint soaks into the wood causing irregular painted surfaces. This is exactly like it should be, because wood look natural in this way.

This is how look painted bookshelf:

This scandinavian style bookshelf is exactly the thing I have always dreamed of. Generally I love scandinavian style. Scandinavian interiors are so bright, delicate and cozy. And do you like this style?

Ok, ok now I gonna tell you something. I had some support during doing this bookshelf. My husband helped me. You know how it is, a man hand is so important during tinkering. My husband’s sister helped us also, because it is important to engage teenagers to action! So to sum up:  the project is mine and realization is common. Visit my instagram to see backstage photos!

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