Monday 28 March 2016

Unique stamps which you can make in less than 10 min. DIY corks wine stamps.

I really like wine corks. There are plenty of things you can do with them. I have my own small collection of wine corks. It it very small but for this idea I need only three of them so my little collection is sufficient. Today I present DIY for wine corks stamps.
Do you wanna these original and handmade stamps? Instruction below so let’s do it!

Supplies you'll need:
  • wine corks 3 pieces
  • fineliner
  • trimming knife
  • paint

Step 1:
Take wine corks and using fineliner draw on the top of corks shapes that you like. I have chosen dot, heart and star.

Step 2:
Using trimming knife cut drawn shapes like so:

Stamps are finished! Now we can try them! They are not regular but beautiful and unique!
You can use these stamps to decorate many things.

Next monday I gonna present you one idea to use them! 

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